Considering that in the last post I've talked about Fitocose cleanser, I've decided to bring the matter up again and talk about another natural and biological method for remove make-up, that is "3 Biophases". I read about this method on saicosatispalmi and on different forums and I decided to talk about it because I think that is a great way to clean the skin from make-up and smog before going to bed, using natural and environmentally ingredients.
Questo metodo consiste in 3 fasi appunto:
This method consist of three phases precisely:
Fase dell'olio: Scegliete l'olio che preferite, potete usare l'olio di cocco che si trova facilmente e costa poco, l'olio di mandorle, l'olio di germe di grano, qualsiasi olio vegetale con cui vi trovate bene. Massaggiate su tutto il viso in modo che il trucco, il sebo e lo sporco si attacchino all'olio, magari insistete un po' nelle parti in cui c'è più trucco, come negli occhi. In questo modo potrete anche eliminare il trucco waterproof naturalmente ;).
Oil phase: Choose the oil that you prefer, you can use coconut oil that is easy and cheap, almond oil, wheat germ oil, any vegetable oil that you like.Rub all over your face so that make-up, sebum and dirt will attach to oil, insist a bit in the parts where there's more make-up, as in the eyes where there is mascara. So you can remove also waterproof make-up naturally.
Soap phase: After oiling all the face you can clean with a soap (Organical, please!), given that there is the oil, the soap will not be too aggressive because it will remove excess oil but it will not affect the hydro-lipid film of the skin, leaving it clean and moisturized. I can recommend you Aleppo soap or other organical soaps.
Toner phase: Finally, to restore the skin's ph after using the soap, use a toner acid ph, there are a lot of organic brands that produce them: Fitocose, Sante, Bjobj...or you can try a solution made by water and vinegar/lemon juice and apply on your face with a cotton pad.
Infine applicate la vostra crema abituale ;)
Finally apply your face cream. ;)